Azure CLI 2.0 – Azure Container Service for Docker Swarm w/ Dockerized SSH...
In my previous post I wrote on automating a Docker Swarm cluster deployment to Azure Container Service through the use of a deployment script. Today’s post will focus on the second part of the ACS...
View ArticlemacOS ohmyzsh + tmux + vim + iTerm2 + Powerlevel9k = Badass terminal
A week or so ago a colleague turned me on to oh-my-zsh and I just went down the rabbit hole. I have always found the built-in Terminal in macOS (formerly OS X) to be bland and boring, but never really...
View ArticleLinuxfest Northwest Deck: DevOps: CI/CD to Azure through Codeship
By popular request, this post is quick and simple – it’s just a post with a link to download the deck I used for my talk at Linuxfest Northwest 2017, “DevOps: CI/CD to Azure through Codeship.” The PPT...
View ArticleUpdated! PowerShell Core [Beta] 6.04, AzureRM.NetCore Module, and Az CLI 2.0...
Quick update today – I previously wrote new install scripts for PowerShell Core Versions 6.11 and 6.14 with the AzureRM.NetCore.Preview module and optional install of Azure CLI (1.0). Today, I have...
View ArticlePowerShell Core Scripting Pro Tip!
Super quick update today – here’s a handy little pro tip when scripting shell scripts for PowerShell Core. In my previous install scripts I would use the same command one would use from a command line...
View ArticlePro tip: Jenkins and Docker build server
I’m currently sitting at a coffee shop with a Microsoft partner and we just spent the last hour banging our head against the table over the following error as part of our Jenkins pipeline project when...
View ArticleOutlook for Mac search returns “No Results,” and task items are not...
This morning I went to search for an email in Outlook and received the dreaded “No results” message instead of search results. I also discovered my task items disappeared. I’ve had this issue before,...
View ArticleComplete pipeline with Jenkins, ACS (Docker Swarm), and Azure Container Registry
In this blog post, we will walk through a demonstration of a complete pipeline of a deployment to Docker Swarm on Azure Container Service (ACS) using Jenkins (hosted on Azure) and Azure Container...
View ArticleAzure ARM Templates – How to embed full scripts in your JSON templates!
Earlier today a colleague and I discovered a pretty neat trick when dissecting a broken ARM template; we learned you can encode complete scripts and embed them in your templates. This post will explain...
View ArticleAutomate Deployment to Docker Swarm and Kubernetes on Azure using Codefresh
I’m so excited to write this blog post so without further ado, let’s jump right in: Codefresh and Microsoft. Codefresh is a Docker-native CI/CD platform that allows you to instantly build, test, and...
View ArticleBadass Terminal: FCU WSL Edition (oh-my-zsh, powerlevel9k, tmux, and more!)
It’s that time again! The time to write another epic blog post, this time for WSL, also known as Windows Subsystem for Linux. One of my most popular posts is my badass terminal post for iTerm2/MacOS so...
View ArticlePowerShell Core Master Install Script! Get started with just one command!
I’ve been meaning to write this for a long time. This post will now be considered the “master” for how to get the latest version of PowerShell Core and AzureRM NetCore modules setup on your system. I...
View ArticleKubectl get nodes error! Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp i/o timeout
I recently had an issue with an Azure Container Service Kubernetes cluster. When I would try to run commands directly from the master, or from another system, I would receive a ‘dial tcp i/o timeout’...
View ArticleFixed! az.completion:10: command not found: complete
I was hanging out with a colleague earlier today (name drop: Burke Holland) and he roped me into fixing his terminal. He had the awful “az.completion:10: command not found: complete” error stuck in his...
View ArticleAKS: Azure Kubernetes Service – Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
I’ve been meaning to write this post for a long time. Here I will outline the two ways you can use ARM templates to deploy a managed Kubernetes cluster in Azure. Lena Hall has already published files...
View ArticleBadass Terminal: WSL, macOS, and Ubuntu dotfiles update!!!
Today I’m super excited to announce that I pushed a pretty significant update to my dotfiles repo and bad ass terminal! If you remember, my previous blog posts – Badass Terminal: FCU WSL Edition...
View ArticleHow to Deploy to Kubernetes using Helm and VSTS
I cannot even express how excited I am for this post. As most of you know, I blog/speak pretty extensively about all things Linux and Open Source, however, today, I get to do that and also tie in some...
View ArticleCodefresh+Azure: DevOps, Kubernetes, Helm Webinar
Hello everyone! Today’s post will recap on our Codefresh+Azure webinar we had earlier today. Mainly, I want to help others who wish to quickly get up and running with the same demo I used during the...
View ArticleAKS and Helm Charts: Ingress Controllers
This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for a long time. In several of my demos, many of you who follow me have seen how I use the following two helm charts to deploy new helm charts on my Kubernetes...
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